The look and feel for this short was ultimately ispired by the stylized french film, Amelie. True, A Note to Etienne has much more dramatic undertones, however this film will draw Amelie inspiration. With fluid camera movements, quirky costume design and a complex set design (more on each later), this short will be a showcase for everyone involved. Its not simply an actor's piece or director's piece, but allows the entire Etienne family to incorporate a valued participation within the film. It's important to me that this film is a collaboration -- that it's a team effort. After all, Amelie sure was and it's still one of the most visually prolific and mesmerizing film I've ever seen.

Amelie Picture 1: If you remember this shot, the camera starts for birds-eye, then moves downward towards Amelie. It turns nearly 180 degrees and hovers directly above her. It's a really magical shot and really incorporates the entire mis-en-scene involved.

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