Thursday, April 30, 2009
Meet the Producer

Monday, April 20, 2009
History of Project
At first, even considering creating a short film that’s spoken entirely in French seemed more of a risk than a feasible project. After all, I’m not fluent in French and Los Angeles doesn’t exactly look like Paris. However, when you think about it, when does art ever come easy?
After watching Julian Schnabel’s Diving Bell and the Butterfly, inspiration quickly transitioned into ambition and the thirst for creating something meaningful, as well as visually evocative, has never been so strong. By the way, Julian Schnabel isn’t fluent in French either ;).
The story idea emerged after a close friend revealed the hesitations behind her long-term relationship. She didn’t feel like she could offer anything else to the already faltering relationship and didn’t know how to tell him – she simply fell out of love.
I knew my friend wasn’t alone in this love stricken society. The city was filled with people going through the same feelings and emotions. Therefore, I decided to take a survey. I asked many close friends, old friends, acquaintances, coworkers, and family members a mere question: What goes through your mind the moment you decide you don’t love someone anymore?
There had to be a “disconnect” from being “head over heels” in love to an absence of that feeling. Through this research, I discovered that the small tics were the catalyst behind many failed relationships. Certain irritations that once seemed insignificant transitioned into a noticeable force behind the break up.
However, that being said, a surprising realization occurred. From the 20-30 people I interviewed, one fact remained the same – they all revealed that they still love their significant other. The love they shared was undoubtedly true. It’ll always be true. They just weren’t in love with them anymore.
Life is filled with unexpected instances. However, an overall purpose is always waiting to be discovered through the seeps of the cracks. Even if the relationship didn’t work out, the love never truly disappears. It may not be necessarily palpable, but it’s true. That’s my intention with this film. That’s my story.
An image board used to express the feel and look of the project.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Amorette, an analytical and seemingly expressive 24-year-old girl, places herself in front of her camcorder. She maintains a fidgety disposition under the dim half-light above her bed. She begins leaving a message to her boyfriend, Etienne. It’s difficult to convey, but she explains that their love has become disconnected -- a realization that sparked on October 12th, 2006 at exactly 12:36 a.m.
We flash back to that exact moment. Amorette is awaken from her sleep from a piercing sound, which feels like Niagara Falls crashing through her eardrums. However, after further investigation, she realizes it is Etienne urinating. Thereafter, simple instances such as eating breakfast and watching television became ticking time bombs of irritation about to explode.
At dinner with Etienne, Amorette’s irritation becomes overshadowed by grief – by sadness. How could something that was once so great suddenly just disappear? She continues to analyze this relationship. Through the resurge of all of the bad memories, she begins to recall wonderful memories they shared. She remembers conversations they had surrounding marriage, romantic nights they spent together, and joyous moments spent at amusement parks.
As she continues leaving her video note, she realizes that love can change shapes and forms – continuously transforming into something completely different, or unexpected. Amorette’s eyes begin to tear up as she says her final goodbye to Etienne. She reaches to turn off the camera before her final statement: Je n'oublierai jamais les choses qui m'ont fait sourire autrefois. Which translates to, “I’ll never forget the things that once made me smile”. Amorette turns off the camcorder.
This blog will be used through the different phases of A Note To Etienne - a 16mm short film that happens to be entirely in French. It'll be sort of like a Director's diary -- where I'll be able to share my steps and creative process throughout the film's course.... and perhaps some frustrations.