1) Tell about yourself in exactly twenty words.
I am a woman with the spirit of a 16 year old but the mind of a 34 year old. :)
2) How did you get involved in ‘A Note to Etienne’?
I was craving for a French part in Los Angeles so when I actually saw the breakdown online, I submitted myself for the role. Next thing I knew, I was in a play with the director's best friend, which invited him to come see the show. When I was invited to audition, I felt more relaxed since I had been introduced and I could really feel the character without being stressed out... that might be what got me the part... adding to the fact that I'm a born and raised French speaker!
3) Have you ever worked on a foreign film before? What was it like working on a french film? Write something in French (without looking it up!)
Well, indeed I have... I've worked on american movies! :) It was fun to work on a film in my own tongue because I didn't have to worry so much about the way I talked. De plus, mon partenaire dans Un mot pour Étienne était Français de France. Donc, sur le plateau, on pouvait discuter sans que personne comprenne... hahahah rien de choquant ni de personnel!
4) What project(s) are you working on next?
I'm on a revival Musical of a show called "Big Bazar" from a great French Singer, Michel Fugain. We've performed in Montreal during the Francofollies festival, in June, and we'll be touring around the province of Quebec. I've also just shot a co-star role for a new series coming up on Quebec's tv Fall 2010. I'll be in 2 episodes.
5) What's the most random thing you've ever done?
...work at a huge fast food restaurant chain... I won't say which but I'll tell you there's a big yellow letter...
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